Scientific Communication
Podcasts: Potential for Science and Further Education
Podcasts enjoy high levels of popularity and are as suited to the purposes of further education as they...
Generation R: Forming Open Scientists and Shaping Science Systems
Helping researchers to make use of the open science changes and getting involved in shaping the future...
Barcamp Open Science: We Need to Talk!
The idea behind Barcamp Open Science is to encourage dialogue about open science practices in everyday...
Impact School 2017: Academic Impact Outside of Academia
What actually is academic impact? And how can one optimise the non-academic impact of research? Those...
Study: Digital Science Communication Within the Leibniz Association
Digital science communication has become established at the institutes of the Leibniz Association and is...
Research tools: From A for Altmetrics, B for Bench Work to C for Collaboration
Maintaining an overview of tools that support scientists in their work is difficult because of the...