Open Sciences

EconStor Survey 2024: High user satisfaction, but ‘room for improvement’ in understanding how it works
EconStor, the ZBW's open access repository for economics, enjoys a high level of satisfaction among its...

Open Science Award Winners: Insights and Findings From a Pioneering Practice
What motivates Open Science pioneers? In his doctoral project, science researcher Ronny Röwert uncovers...

EconStor Survey 2022: Repository Registers Satisfied Users, but More Marketing Efforts Needed
More than 13 years ago, the ZBW launched its repository EconStor. In 2022, the team conducted a survey...

The Openness Profile of Knowledge Exchange: What can Infrastructure Providers do?
How can the scientific incentive system be reformed so that all activities and stakeholders of Open...

Coding da Vinci 2018: Hackathon on Open Data from Research and Cultural Heritage Institutions
Coding da Vinci Rhein-Main started 2018 with a kick-off event. For the first time, the ZBW is taking...

Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future: a Conference Report
On Monday, the 3rd of July, over 700 scientists, innovators, business people and policy makers discussed...

Open Science BarCamp: #oscibar 2017 – Putting Open Science Into Practice
How can open science practices become broadly established? What role can open educational resources play...

Open Science in Practise: Open Doctoral Thesis
What is it like to stick resolutely to the principles of open science? We asked Christian Heise about...

GO-FAIR: A Member States-Up Strategy for the EOSC Implementation
"GO-FAIR" is a proposal for the practical implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)...

The G7 Open Science Working Group Action Points – Speeding up Open Science?
On November 9 during the first meeting of the G7 Open Science Working Group in Tokyo the group...