Open Science Practices

Open Science Study: Business Studies and Economics on Track for More Openness
A recent study by the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics shows that Open Science practices...

Barcamp Open Science 2024: Happy Birthday!
This year, the Barcamp Open Science (#oscibar) celebrated its 10th anniversary. Open Science Success...

Open Code: New Topic Area in the Open Economics Guide
How can Open Code be reused or cited? What can the first steps with Open Code look like? Questions like...

Open Science Policies: What About Equity and Inclusion?
Open Science policies are meant to foster Open Science in general. However, most of these policies seem...

Open Educational Resources: Open Economics Guide now Covers More Topics
The ZBW's Open Economics Guide now offers a new section on Open Educational Resources (OER). Here,...

Open Science Conference 2023: Old Hurdles and new Practical Successes for the Anniversary
At the tenth anniversary of the Open Science Conference, several contributions impressively demonstrated...

Open Science in Economics: Selected Findings From the ZBW Awareness Analysis 2022
There is generally great enthusiasm for Open Science and Open Practices in library circles. But what is...

Best Practice: The First Six Month of Open Science at the University of North Carolina Wilmington
“Two new librarians in newly created positions in a new department in a newly designated Carnegie...

Barcamp Open Science 2022: Connecting and Strengthening the Communities!
Creating a platform for a relaxed exchange with international like-minded people on the topic of Open...

Open Science Conference 2022: New Challenges at the Global Level
What were the focal points of the Open Science Conference 2022? Which topics are currently of greatest...