Open Data

Open Science Guides: How Universities Promote Putting it Into Practice
To foster the role of open science in scientific practice, some universities offer comprehensive...

Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future: a Conference Report
On Monday, the 3rd of July, over 700 scientists, innovators, business people and policy makers discussed...

GO FAIR – Ready for Take-Off
At the Competitiveness Council at the end of May, Germany and the Netherlands made their Joint Position...

Open science: Managing Research Data Using the ZBW Journal Data Archive
Open science is in increasing demand in the world of research funding and the political sphere. But how...

Open Science Conference 2017: Report
The Open Science Conference, which served as the fourth international conference of the Leibniz Research...

Open Data, Open Access, New Formats for Publications: The Future for Economics Research?
What does the future of research and publishing look like? Views of what changes open science will bring...

GO-FAIR: A Member States-Up Strategy for the EOSC Implementation
"GO-FAIR" is a proposal for the practical implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)...

The G7 Open Science Working Group Action Points – Speeding up Open Science?
On November 9 during the first meeting of the G7 Open Science Working Group in Tokyo the group...

Innovating the Gutenberg Galaxis: EA Annual Conference 2016
Die Wissenschaftskommunikation befindet sich in einer Übergangsphase. Das alte Modell ist in der Krise....