Open Access
Opscidia: Fighting Fake News via Open Access
In recent years, fake news has become a growing problem in the international information landscape. More...
Workshop: How to Make Open Science Practice Attractive in the Economic Sciences
Despite general sympathy with the Open Science principles, they have not been widely adopted in the...
Digitisation of Higher Education: Systemic Framework Conditions and influencing Political Factors
Which factors have a strong systemic influence on the digitisation of higher education? Which can be...
INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...
Stifterverband Study: What do we Gain Through Open Science and Open Innovation?
A new study by The Stifterverband explores the topics of Open Innovation and Open Science in Germany. It...
Open Access Days 2018 – Part II: How Does Open Access Develop in Individual Disciplines and Projects?
The Open Access Days 2018 dealt with topics such as the implementation of open access and open science...
Open Access Days 2018 – Part I: How is Open Access Developing in the Context of Open Science?
"Diversity of open access" was the motto of the Open Access Days 2018. Topics included the...
IFLA Global Vision Report: Library Core Values Boost Open Science
The IFLA Global Vision Report answers questions like: What professional values do librarians share...
Open Science Report: How to Provide the Skills Researchers Need?
What skills do researchers need to make open science become a reality? How could these skills be trained...
Open Science Guides: How Universities Promote Putting it Into Practice
To foster the role of open science in scientific practice, some universities offer comprehensive...
Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future: a Conference Report
On Monday, the 3rd of July, over 700 scientists, innovators, business people and policy makers discussed...