Journals New Support for Scientific Publication Projects
Away from profit-oriented large publishing houses and commercial interests, the was...

One Year of Open Access: The Journals Wirtschaftsdienst and Intereconomics Take Stock
The publishers of many journals that still appear behind paywalls are considering whether it is worth...

InnOAccess-Workshops: Publishing Free-of-Charge Open Access Journals Sustainably
Open Access journals that are sustained by the research community and are publisher-independent thrive...

Open Access Journals: Who is Afraid of 404?
Open Access journals are known to be accessible to all. But will this be for good, too? An international...

INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...

Guidelines: How to Implement Open Peer Review and Foster its Adoption
How can open peer review be implemented? Where else could open peer review be applied and how could it...

Future Report: Who can Transform Scholarly Publishing and Communication?
A new report on the future of scholarly publishing and scholarly communication addresses key principles...

Academic Journals: How Open Access, Peer Review and the like are Shaping New Journal Concepts
The editorial offices of academic journals constantly find themselves torn between the everyday...

Against the Replication Crisis: New International Journal Encourages Replication Studies
The International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE) is a new journal dedicated to...

Fidus Writer: Modern Writing Tools for the Social Sciences
Scholarly communication is complex. While tools are being developed for various technical fields, social...