Event Reviews

Shadow Libraries: Plan B for the Open Access Transformation?
What about shadow libraries? Though Open Access seems to be widely accepted, we might miss making the...

Research Data Act: Incremental Step in the Right Direction?
Will the federal Research Data Act (Forschungsdatengesetz, FDG) actually help to improve data access in...

Open Access Conference: Reputation Without a Paywall?
Whether Open Access is a cure or homeopathy and putting the measurement of science on the test bench...

Barcamp Open Science 2024: Happy Birthday!
This year, the Barcamp Open Science (#oscibar) celebrated its 10th anniversary. Open Science Success...

The Open Access Barcamp 2024: Community, Exchange and Reflection
How can communication with researchers about Open Access be optimised? Which new exchange formats work?...

Barcamp Open Science 2023: So Much has Happened and so Much Still Needs to Happen!
The Barcamp Open Science already went into its ninth round in 2023, hybrid for the first time. The good...

Open Access Barcamp 2023: Live and in Colour
The third barcamp of the open-access.network project was also the first to take place in person, as...

INCONECSS 2022 Conference: Artificial Intelligence, Open Access and Data Dominate the Discussions
INCONECSS is the international conference for librarians and information specialists in the economic...

Open Access Barcamp 2022: Where the Community Met
The second Barcamp of the open-access.network project provided participants with opportunity for...

Workshop Retrodigitisation 2022: Do It Yourself or Have It Done?
At the workshop, digitisation projects in cooperation with volunteers, with service providers, in...