
Future Report: Who can Transform Scholarly Publishing and Communication?
A new report on the future of scholarly publishing and scholarly communication addresses key principles...

Stifterverband Study: What do we Gain Through Open Science and Open Innovation?
A new study by The Stifterverband explores the topics of Open Innovation and Open Science in Germany. It...

Open Science Movement: How “HackYourPhD” Fosters Open Science in France and Abroad
Open science emerged mainly from grass-roots organizations. "HackYourPhD" is a France-based worldwide...

IFLA Global Vision Report: Library Core Values Boost Open Science
The IFLA Global Vision Report answers questions like: What professional values do librarians share...

Horizon Report 2018: Adapting Higher Education to the Future of Work
The Horizon Report 2018 Higher Education Edition covers trends, technologies and challenges from...

Digital Collaboration: Tips for Working Together Across Five Time Zones
Experts benefit from digital collaboration across borders, sharing their expertise. Thus, the libraries...

Working Out Loud: How to Promote Digital Collaboration and Open Science
Working Out Loud promotes networking and collaboration. It is therefore predestined for use in the...

OpenUP Hub: Toolbox and Knowledge to Open Up the Research Lifecycle
The OpenUp Hub is an open, dynamic and collaborative knowledge environment that brings together all key...

Art of Hosting: Operating System for Open Science and Citizen Science?
The Art of Hosting comprises the attitude and appropriate methods for creating a culture of good...

Department vs. Academic Chair: Could Open Science Benefit?
Authors of the Junge Akademie (the first academy of young academics worldwide) discuss in their current...