Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Information Literacy: On the Art of Quartering Broccoli Trends 2024: Workplace Revolution Leveraging old and new Technologies Human-Centred AI: First Steps for the Enrichment of Library Work ChatGPT & Co.: When the Search Slot turns into an AI Chatbox AI in Academic Libraries, Part 3: Prerequisites and Conditions for Successful Use AI in Academic Libraries, Part 2: Interesting Projects, the Future of Chatbots and Discrimination Through AI AI in Academic Libraries, Part 1: Areas of Activity, Big Players and the Automation of Indexing INCONECSS 2022 Conference: Artificial Intelligence, Open Access and Data Dominate the Discussions Horizon Report 2022: Trends Such as Hybrid Learning, Micro-certificates and Artificial Intelligence are Gaining Traction Discrimination Through AI: To What Extent Libraries are Affected and how Staff can Find the Right Mindset