Happy Birthday, MediaTalk! Our Must-read List from 11 Years of Blogging
It's our birthday! On 22.02.2022, the blog ZBW MediaTalk will be 11 years old. Reason enough to look...

Horror Research Data Management: 4 Best Practice Examples for Successful Gamifications
You think research data management is boring and annoying? Sometimes the purest horror? It doesn't have...

Digital Trends 2022: Dynamic Interplay of Metaverse, Tech Fatigue and Creating New Meaningful Connections Online
No one knows when the pandemic will end, how societies will transform and if humanity will be able to...

Open Educational Resources: Getting Started in OER in the User Services – Best Practice from the ZBW
The greatest hurdle was the following decision: When is the draft good enough to go online? The...

User Experience in Libraries: Insights from the University Library of Hildesheim
The aim of UX is not so much to be a state of affairs but much more to be part of a mindset; a skill...

Open Science & Libraries 2022: 22 Tips for Conferences, Barcamps & Co.
Which conferences and events could be worth an (online) visit in 2022? We have put together a selection...

Tracking Science: How Libraries can Protect Data and Scientific Freedom
A modern expression states: If you are not paying for the product, you are the product yourself. How can...

Open Science as a “Wicked Problem”: How Libraries can Accelerate the Transformation
The transition to Open Science often seems to be sluggish. A recently published workbook explains why...

First Open Science Retreat: On the Future of Research Evaluation
The ZBW's Open Science Retreat invites various stakeholders from all over the world to engage in a...

User Experience in Libraries: Insights from the SLU University Library Sweden
“To observe a student or researcher using a service is a quite powerful, sometimes even painful...