10 Years of OERcamp: Community Get-together on Digital and Open Educational Resources
The first OERcamp in Germany was held in 2012. The aim was to offer a discussion forum and practical...
Social Media in Libraries: Best Practice of the ETH Library in Zurich
The ETH Library is the largest public science and technology library in Switzerland and the central...
Innovations in Libraries: Impressions of a Study Trip to the Netherlands
ZBW staff member Alena Behrens recently had the opportunity to get to know nine very different libraries...
Open Science & Libraries 2023: 25 Tips for Conferences, Festivals & Co.
Which conferences and events could be worth an (online) visit in 2023? We have put together a selection...
Back to the Future: Amazing Discoveries in a Futurology Card Index from the 1980s
Card indexes are yesterday’s news and belong in the waste-paper bin? Not everyone agrees: The prospect...
EconStor Survey 2022: Repository Registers Satisfied Users, but More Marketing Efforts Needed
More than 13 years ago, the ZBW launched its repository EconStor. In 2022, the team conducted a survey...
Self-organised network: does Mastodon have what it takes to become the “scholarly-owned social network”?
A “scholarly-owned social network” as an alternative to the major commercial players sounds like the...
Digital Long-term Archiving: Discovering Networks With the nestor Community Survey
nestor, the competence network for digital long-term archiving, recently conducted a survey among...
Social Media in Libraries: Best Practice From the Austrian National Library
Tens of thousands of followers on Facebook, impressive community engagement on Instagram and a...
Libraries on Twitch: Ideas for Starting on the Streaming Platform
The live streaming platform Twitch has its origins in streaming video games and e-sports. Lately, it has...