Waterkant Festival 2017: Augmented Reality, Educational Hacks and Coworking
The Waterkant StartupSH Festival 2017 in Kiel evolved around subjects like augmented and virtual...

Open Access at German Librarians´ Day 2017: From the Big DEAL to the Everyday Workplace
A variety of sessions and lectures at Librarians´ Day 2017 (Bibliothekartag 2017) were devoted to Open...

Google Conquers Education and Brings Augmented Reality Into the Classroom
Google is working on many levels to firmly establish itself in the education sector, starting with...

GO FAIR – Ready for Take-Off
At the Competitiveness Council at the end of May, Germany and the Netherlands made their Joint Position...

DeepGreen: Open-Access-Transformation
Supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the DeepGreen project aims to transfer academic...

New spaces for Work 4.0 and Learning 4.0: Implications for the Education System?
New forms of Learning 4.0 and Work 4.0 and the necessary co-creative spaces that support communities...

EUDAT: Research Data Infrastructure and European Open Science Cloud Vision
How research data infrastructure initiatives are relevant to European Open Science Cloud. What are EUDAT...

re:publica 2017: A Day That Covers Cultural Memory, Research Data and Web Culture
Every year at the beginning of May, the digital scene gets together at re:publica in Berlin to exchange...

MOOCs, Bootcamps, Communities and Events: Learning to Code in New Formats
Coding Bootcamps, online courses and alternative universities: Manifold new options of how to learn...

Citizen Science: Interview With Dr Katrin Vohland About Advantages, Barriers and Development of Citizen-Oriented Research
In which cases does Citizen Science prove to be a profit in practice, where are the barriers, and what...