Sharing and Discovering Science Methods: Open Science Platform Protocols.io
Using up-to-date research methods is essential for researchers. However, advancing research methods is...

Open Science, Technology, Trends: Conferences, Exhibitions & Barcamps 2018
Which events could be worthwhile destinations in 2018 to stay informed about open science, technology...

Digital Trends 2018: What Will be Important this Year?
Which trend topics will likely keep us busy in 2018? We have selected some trends and technology topics,...

Impact School 2017: Academic Impact Outside of Academia
What actually is academic impact? And how can one optimise the non-academic impact of research? Those...

The GO FAIR International Coordination and Support Office is Operational
The International Coordination and Support Office (ISCO) of the GO FAIR initiative has been launched. It...

Knowledge Exchange Report: About Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDI)
The latest report of the Knowledge Exchange initiative presents an overview and a synthesis of the...

Shaping the EOSC – Leibniz Association Among the Early Movers
The European Science Cloud (EOSC) Declaration received a tremendous amount of positive feedback. One of...

Student Survey: What is the Level of Information Literacy Like?
Strengthening information literacy in students is a multifaceted challenge. But what exactly is the...

Moving to the Next Level: Interview on Open Science in Finland
Coordinated efforts on many levels have fostered open science in Finland. In our interview, Pirjo-Leena...

EdTech KreativHack: Work on EdTech – and Learn a Lot
The use of technologies for educational purposes offers a lot of opportunities. Persons interested in...