The Open Access Barcamp 2024: Community, Exchange and Reflection
How can communication with researchers about Open Access be optimised? Which new exchange formats work?...
Libraries in the Shareconomy: How the Opportunities are Being Exploited
There is still room for improvement: Although the shareconomy is growing steadily and libraries are...
Data Stewards: Central Contact Point for Research Data and Open Data
A few years ago, universities and research institutions began appointing data stewards. But what exactly...
Open Science Policies: What About Equity and Inclusion?
Open Science policies are meant to foster Open Science in general. However, most of these policies seem...
Trends 2024: Workplace Revolution Leveraging old and new Technologies
Which trends will shape library work in 2024? Generative AI, hybrid work and a skills shortage pose big...
Open Science Monitoring: Openness as a Natural Part of Good Research Practices in Finland
A lot has happened in Finland over the past few years in relation to Open Science. Working together, the...
Open Science & Libraries 2024: 10 Tips for Conferences & Events
Which conferences, symposia and other events could be worth a visit online or on site in 2024? We have...
Human-Centred AI: First Steps for the Enrichment of Library Work
What role will AI play for work in libraries in the future? Human-centred AI has the potential to...
ZBW MediaTalk says goodbye to Twitter (“X”)
Our blog ZBW MediaTalk was present on Twitter for over a dozen years. But the direction that "X" has...
Research Software Directory: Honouring the Role of Software and Supporting Reproducibility
Today research software plays a vital role in research that often is not recognized. The Research...