Study “The University Landscape 2030”: Opening Up Through New Study Models
"Tamagotchi", "Jenga", "Lego" and "Transformer" are the names of the four new study models that were...

INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...

Guidelines: How to Implement Open Peer Review and Foster its Adoption
How can open peer review be implemented? Where else could open peer review be applied and how could it...

Horizon Report 2019: How new Technologies Lead to a Redesign of Learning and Teaching
Which trends, challenges and technologies are important in higher education? The Educause Horizon Report...

Innovation Workshop: How Libraries can Actively Shape Digitalization
The visibility of libraries in the age of networked working, new genuinely digital services and the...

Open Educational Resources: How the EconBiz Academic Career Kit Trains Open Science Skills
How could libraries help researchers in training open science and other research skills? The ZBW offers...

Open Science in Canada: Grassroots Effort and a National Approach
Canada is transitioning to open science at a great speed. The Canadian government and a myriad of other...

Discussion Paper “Future Skills”: Why New Skills Require New Strategies
In response to the growing need for new key skills in the workplace, universities must be ready to offer...

Open Science Conference 2019: The Recommendations are Being Implemented Now
The pioneering recommendations and agenda-setting seen in science policy in recent years are moving into...

Barcamp Open Science 2019: Shaping the Open Science Idea Together
Exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, talking about Open Science. The Barcamp Open Science is the ideal...