Stifterverband Study: What do we Gain Through Open Science and Open Innovation?
A new study by The Stifterverband explores the topics of Open Innovation and Open Science in Germany. It...
FAIR Data: Many Paths Lead to the EOSC
Many initiatives are dedicated to promoting open data. While RDA has been established for some time now,...
Open Science: Interesting Conferences & Events for 2019
Which events could be worth a visit in 2019 in the context of open science? We offer a selection of...
Digital Trends 2019: Which Issues are Going to be Important this Year?
In the blog post, we present a selection of trends and technological topics whose significance for...
A Self-Experiment in Fake Science: The Tricks of Predatory Journals
How do predatory journals work, and what needs to be done to place a publication here? A research group...
Open Science Movement: How “HackYourPhD” Fosters Open Science in France and Abroad
Open science emerged mainly from grass-roots organizations. "HackYourPhD" is a France-based worldwide...
New Open Science Reports: How to put EOSC and FAIR Into Practice
How could the European Open Science Cloud and FAIR be prompted into reality? What challenges have to be...
OER Guidelines and Tutorials: How to Create Open Educational Resources
Open educational materials are very popular. But how can lecturers be convinced to use open educational...
Impact School 2018: Training for Transfer and Social Impact
How does research transfer work in the 21st century? How can scientific results be harnessed for...
DGI Day Practicum: How Does Artificial Intelligence Change the World of Information Professionals?
How do artificial intelligence (AI) systems work and how do AI and data mining technologies transform...
Coding da Vinci 2018: Hackathon on Open Data from Research and Cultural Heritage Institutions
Coding da Vinci Rhein-Main started 2018 with a kick-off event. For the first time, the ZBW is taking...