FOLIO Library Management System: Open Source on its Way into Everyday Library Life
FOLIO is an innovative open-source library management system. In 2020, it has reached a level of...
User Experience in Libraries: 4 Best Practice Examples from the ZBW
Many people know that it is possible to deploy the methods of user experience in libraries, and know how...
Digital Badges: Clever Proof of Information Literacy
Libraries and digital infrastructure facilities are increasingly responsible for the learning and...
Opscidia: Fighting Fake News via Open Access
In recent years, fake news has become a growing problem in the international information landscape. More...
Open Science Training: How to Implement Methods and Practices in European Research Libraries
How can the principles of Open Science be implemented in European research libraries to enable...
User Experience for Libraries: The Best Tools and Methods for Beginners
Relying on users to discover how products and services can be improved: it’s what the user experience...
Open Science Right from the Start: How the UBC Okanagan Library Introduces Students to Good Scientific Practice
Students have always been catalysts of change. Why not use this characteristic for the cultural change...
FIT4RRI: Shaping Open Research and Innovation Responsibly
The Open Science and the Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) movements are closely linked: they...
LIBER 2020 Online: Building Trust with Research Libraries
Many of the topics of the LIBER 2020 Online conference can be classified under the keyword "Open...
Hackathon Coding.Waterkant: How to Improve Library Services Through Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence
“Hackathons” have been around for several years now in the world of libraries. They are events at which...
Libraries and Online Events, Part 3: How Online Workshops Encourage New Ideas and Collaboration
Innovative tools and methods promote finding new ideas as well as joint work on projects and other tasks...