Barcamp@GeNeMe’2020: Open Science in Times of Crisis
Like many other events, the first "satellite event" of the Barcamp Open Science had to be moved to...
The 2019/20 Barometer for the Academic World: New Insights for Open Science?
What is the state of science in Germany these days? The Barometer for the Acadamic World has been...
Online Events: Mastering Hurdles on the Path to a Digital Future – the Example of the YES! 2020
2020 has presented major challenges for many event organisers, including those organising the school...
Digital Open Science Tools: How to Achieve More Openness Through an Inclusive Design
Through their responsive design, digital Open Science tools promise to enable and simplify collaboration...
Open Science and Organisational Culture: Openness as a Core Value at the ZBW
Open Science has become a central focus of work for the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics....
InnOAccess-Workshops: Publishing Free-of-Charge Open Access Journals Sustainably
Open Access journals that are sustained by the research community and are publisher-independent thrive...
Open Access Journals: Who is Afraid of 404?
Open Access journals are known to be accessible to all. But will this be for good, too? An international...
The YES! Spirit: Activating a Young Community of Users and Transferring Knowledge
For a long time now, the younger generation has been accused of showing only lukewarm interest in issues...
Agile Working: Promoting Innovation and Open Science with Scrum
Projects that are completed too late, where costs get out of hand or which have been allowed to spiral...
Wikimedia 2030: Mit Bibliotheken zur größten Wissensinfrastruktur der Welt
Das internationale Wikimedia-Movement, das vor allem für ihr Community-basiertes Online-Lexikon...
Open Access Days 2020: Highlights & Tips
The Open Access Days 2020 were held online for the first time under the motto “Routes, Stakeholders,...