Nudging Open Science: Useful Tips for Academic Libraries?
Nudging is an approach used in behavioural research to bring about certain positive changes in behaviour...

The Openness Profile of Knowledge Exchange: What can Infrastructure Providers do?
How can the scientific incentive system be reformed so that all activities and stakeholders of Open...

Third-Party Material in Open Access Monographs: How Far-Reaching is the Creative Commons Licence Really?
The progress of the Open Access movement does not stop for monographs, meaning that they are...

Barcamp Open Science 2021: Opening up New Perspectives
"Almost as good as 'the real one'" was the feedback of one contributor on the seventh Barcamp Open...

Scientific tweets: Why Less is More and When a Tweet is Perceived as Being Scientific
Communication within the scientific community without twitter has become hard to imagine. It was only a...

User Experience in Libraries: Insights from the Library of the University of Amsterdam
User experience (UX) methods often lead an exotic existence in libraries. Yet they can help with simple...

Wikidata and Open Science: A Model for Open Data Work
Wikidata is a language-independent factual database belonging to the Wikimedia family which includes the...

Open Science Conference 2021: On the Way to the “New Normal”
What were the main points of focus at the Open Science Conference 2021? What are the topics currently...

One Year of Open Access: The Journals Wirtschaftsdienst and Intereconomics Take Stock
The publishers of many journals that still appear behind paywalls are considering whether it is worth...

Agile Working: Kanban Offers Flexibility and Transparency for Innovation Projects and Open Science
Could more agile working in libraries and other information institutions make a contribution towards the...