Open Science

Open Access Barcamp 2022: Where the Community Met
The second Barcamp of the open-access.network project provided participants with opportunity for...

Horizon Report 2022: Trends Such as Hybrid Learning, Micro-certificates and Artificial Intelligence are Gaining Traction
According to the Horizon Report, certain familiar trends from previous years, such as hybrid learning,...

Open Access Survey in Greece: Status Quo, Surprising Findings and Starting Points
What is the state of Open Access in Greece? What are the biggest obstacles to Open Access publishing?...

Best Practice: The First Six Month of Open Science at the University of North Carolina Wilmington
“Two new librarians in newly created positions in a new department in a newly designated Carnegie...

Barcamp Open Science 2022: Connecting and Strengthening the Communities!
Creating a platform for a relaxed exchange with international like-minded people on the topic of Open...

Open Science Conference 2022: New Challenges at the Global Level
What were the focal points of the Open Science Conference 2022? Which topics are currently of greatest...

Open Science & Libraries 2022: 22 Tips for Conferences, Barcamps & Co.
Which conferences and events could be worth an (online) visit in 2022? We have put together a selection...

Tracking Science: How Libraries can Protect Data and Scientific Freedom
A modern expression states: If you are not paying for the product, you are the product yourself. How can...

Open Science as a “Wicked Problem”: How Libraries can Accelerate the Transformation
The transition to Open Science often seems to be sluggish. A recently published workbook explains why...

First Open Science Retreat: On the Future of Research Evaluation
The ZBW's Open Science Retreat invites various stakeholders from all over the world to engage in a...