Open Science

New spaces for Work 4.0 and Learning 4.0: Implications for the Education System?
New forms of Learning 4.0 and Work 4.0 and the necessary co-creative spaces that support communities...

EUDAT: Research Data Infrastructure and European Open Science Cloud Vision
How research data infrastructure initiatives are relevant to European Open Science Cloud. What are EUDAT...

Citizen Science: Interview With Dr Katrin Vohland About Advantages, Barriers and Development of Citizen-Oriented Research
In which cases does Citizen Science prove to be a profit in practice, where are the barriers, and what...

Open science: Managing Research Data Using the ZBW Journal Data Archive
Open science is in increasing demand in the world of research funding and the political sphere. But how...

Digital Education Monitor – Universities: Digitalisation Yes, Open Education No
The recently published Digital Education Monitor (Monitor Digitale Bildung) examines the current...

Open Science BarCamp: #oscibar 2017 – Putting Open Science Into Practice
How can open science practices become broadly established? What role can open educational resources play...

Open Science Conference 2017: Report
The Open Science Conference, which served as the fourth international conference of the Leibniz Research...

Open Data, Open Access, New Formats for Publications: The Future for Economics Research?
What does the future of research and publishing look like? Views of what changes open science will bring...

Research tools: From A for Altmetrics, B for Bench Work to C for Collaboration
Maintaining an overview of tools that support scientists in their work is difficult because of the...

Open Science in Practise: Open Doctoral Thesis
What is it like to stick resolutely to the principles of open science? We asked Christian Heise about...