Open Science
Research Project OA-FWM: How Community of Practice and Gamification Bring New Momentum to Open Access
The open access community needs a powerful base for effective action. Specialist workshops, the ongoing...
Promoting OER: How to Create an Open Textbook
How is a textbook developed as an open educational resource and how should open educational resources be...
FOSTER Plus: How Libraries can Foster the Change to Open Science
Practical measures to support the culture change in science towards open science. This is the objective...
Fostering Open Science in European Countries: The Crucial Role of Libraries
Implementing open science requires systemic change and can be supported by national open science...
European Open Science Cloud: How Libraries can Spring Into Action
The development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has begun. But how can libraries get involved...
Interview: How Open Science is Changing the Landscape of Academic Libraries
How important is open science for academic libraries? How should they behave in the face of the open...
Open Science Conference 2018: Going into Practice!
The latest developments in science policy, hands-on examples from scientific communities as well as...
Opening up Science: How the Library will Become a Hub for Open Innovation and Science
Merging open science and open innovation more closely and providing fresh momentum will be the focus of...
Barcamp Open Science: We Need to Talk!
The idea behind Barcamp Open Science is to encourage dialogue about open science practices in everyday...
Research Data Infrastructure Development: The Pros and Cons of User Involvement
Between 21 – 23 March 2018 the 11th RDA Plenary Meeting will take place in Berlin addressing various...
OpenUP Hub: Toolbox and Knowledge to Open Up the Research Lifecycle
The OpenUp Hub is an open, dynamic and collaborative knowledge environment that brings together all key...