Open Science

Open Access for Monographs: Small Steps Along a Difficult Path
While a considerable proportion of journal articles are now available in open access, only a few...

Real-World Laboratories: Research Infrastructures for Open Innovation and Citizen Science
Increasingly popular in recent years, real-world laboratories embody an ecosystem for open innovation...

Interview: Open Access Preprints Boost Article Citations and Mentions
What effects does submitting a journal article as preprint first have on its citation and sharing? A...

#OERcamp 2019: A New Workshop for Open Educational Resources Evolves out of the Barcamp
At the recent #OERcamp in Lübeck, numerous tools having to do with open educational resources were...

GO CHANGE Workshop: How ‘Yes, but…’ can be Changed Into a FAIR Sientific Culture
At the last GO CHANGE workshop, the focus was on the ‘cultural transformation’ in regard to research...

Research Data Management: Toolbox for Successful Institutional Services
What do we do with the data, some researchers wonder. Central university institutions want to provide...

Exhibition Open UP! How Digitisation is Transforming Science
The range of tasks carried out by academic libraries has changed enormously. But how can you offer the...

INCONECSS 2019: A Look Into the Future of Economics and Business Libraries
The rapid changes taking place owing to digital transformation present libraries with considerable...

Guidelines: How to Implement Open Peer Review and Foster its Adoption
How can open peer review be implemented? Where else could open peer review be applied and how could it...

Innovation Workshop: How Libraries can Actively Shape Digitalization
The visibility of libraries in the age of networked working, new genuinely digital services and the...