Open Science

Multilingualism in Academia: Opportunities and Challenges for Research Communication
Multilingual communication can make research more inclusive and impactful by enhancing equity,...

EconStor Survey 2024: High user satisfaction, but ‘room for improvement’ in understanding how it works
EconStor, the ZBW's open access repository for economics, enjoys a high level of satisfaction among its...

Shadow Libraries: Plan B for the Open Access Transformation?
What about shadow libraries? Though Open Access seems to be widely accepted, we might miss making the...

Research Data Act: Incremental Step in the Right Direction?
Will the federal Research Data Act (Forschungsdatengesetz, FDG) actually help to improve data access in...

Open Science Study: Business Studies and Economics on Track for More Openness
A recent study by the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics shows that Open Science practices...

FAIR Data Spaces Project: Distributed Data System for Industry and Research
The FAIR Data Spaces project is creating a shared data space between Gaia-X and the National Research...

Barcamp Open Science 2024: Open Science and Scholars at Risk
What are key issues, key resources and current initiatives helping displaced scholars and scholars at...

Open Access Conference: Reputation Without a Paywall?
Whether Open Access is a cure or homeopathy and putting the measurement of science on the test bench...

Barcamp Open Science 2024: Happy Birthday!
This year, the Barcamp Open Science (#oscibar) celebrated its 10th anniversary. Open Science Success...

Organising and Financing Diamond Open Access: How can this be achieved in collaboration with others?
What can go wrong and what makes it easier for libraries to participate in collaborative funding models...