Innovation Management

User Experience in Libraries: Insights from the Library of the University of Amsterdam
User experience (UX) methods often lead an exotic existence in libraries. Yet they can help with simple...

Agile Working: Kanban Offers Flexibility and Transparency for Innovation Projects and Open Science
Could more agile working in libraries and other information institutions make a contribution towards the...

Digital Trends 2021: Collective Displacement Leads to Relocation and Rethinking of Activities
The trends expected to have an impact in 2021 are mostly influenced by the experience of the COVID-19...

Online Events: Mastering Hurdles on the Path to a Digital Future – the Example of the YES! 2020
2020 has presented major challenges for many event organisers, including those organising the school...

Agile Working: Promoting Innovation and Open Science with Scrum
Projects that are completed too late, where costs get out of hand or which have been allowed to spiral...

FOLIO Library Management System: Open Source on its Way into Everyday Library Life
FOLIO is an innovative open-source library management system. In 2020, it has reached a level of...

User Experience in Libraries: 4 Best Practice Examples from the ZBW
Many people know that it is possible to deploy the methods of user experience in libraries, and know how...

Digital Badges: Clever Proof of Information Literacy
Libraries and digital infrastructure facilities are increasingly responsible for the learning and...

User Experience for Libraries: The Best Tools and Methods for Beginners
Relying on users to discover how products and services can be improved: it’s what the user experience...

Hackathon Coding.Waterkant: How to Improve Library Services Through Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence
“Hackathons” have been around for several years now in the world of libraries. They are events at which...