ZBW MediaTalk

The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics is the world’s largest research infrastructure for economic literature, online as well as offline.

Open Science Monitoring: Openness as a Natural Part of Good Research Practices in Finland Human-Centred AI: First Steps for the Enrichment of Library Work ZBW MediaTalk says goodbye to Twitter (“X”) Research Software Directory: Honouring the Role of Software and Supporting Reproducibility Open Access During the Pandemic: Prelude to a Permanent Change in Publishing Behaviour? Barcamp Open Science 2023: So Much has Happened and so Much Still Needs to Happen! Open Science Award Winners: Insights and Findings From a Pioneering Practice Open Science Conference 2023: Old Hurdles and new Practical Successes for the Anniversary Open Access Barcamp 2023: Live and in Colour Open Science Meet Up: Creating the Future Together