Bibchat: The Twitter Chat on Libraries
For some time now library related subjects are being discussed once a month on Twitter using the hashtag...
Practicing Open Science with Students: How Does Blogging Work as a Teaching Concept?
A teaching course which also works like an editorial meeting, students who blog on academic topics for...
Open Data: How Does Personality Affect how Research Data is Shared?
Researchers who consider whether or not to share research data are often confronted with a social...
Joining GO FAIR
Save the Date: 4 October 2017 - First German GO FAIR Workshop in Göttingen
Knowledge Exchange Report: New Approach to Better Understand the Current Change Towards Open Scholarship
The latest report of the Knowledge Exchange describes the present situation of open scholarship and...
Against the Replication Crisis: New International Journal Encourages Replication Studies
The International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE) is a new journal dedicated to...
Open Science, All The Way: Open Knowledge Maps
Apart from the written outcomes of scientific studies, an increasing amount of data, methods and...
Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future: a Conference Report
On Monday, the 3rd of July, over 700 scientists, innovators, business people and policy makers discussed...
#OERcamp Nord 2017: Open Educational Resources in Practice
The #OERcamp in Hamburg was all about digital, open learning materials and their practical application...
Fidus Writer: Modern Writing Tools for the Social Sciences
Scholarly communication is complex. While tools are being developed for various technical fields, social...