ZBW MediaTalk

The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics is the world’s largest research infrastructure for economic literature, online as well as offline.

GBV Association Conference 2018: How Libraries Embrace the Digital Transformation EOSC Executive Board: European Commission has Decided on its Set-Up Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from an IFLA Project on Data Curators Digital Collaboration: Tips for Working Together Across Five Time Zones OSPP-REC: Towards the European Open Science Agenda Generation R: Forming Open Scientists and Shaping Science Systems Research Project OA-FWM: How Community of Practice and Gamification Bring New Momentum to Open Access Promoting OER: How to Create an Open Textbook Academic Journals: How Open Access, Peer Review and the like are Shaping New Journal Concepts FOSTER Plus: How Libraries can Foster the Change to Open Science COAR Annual Meeting 2018: Repositories as Central Infrastructure of Open Scholarly Communication