ZBW MediaTalk

The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics is the world’s largest research infrastructure for economic literature, online as well as offline.

Practice Report Open Science: These Tools Promote Collaboration ORION Project: Opening Up Research in Life Sciences and Biomedicine FAIR Data: Many Paths Lead to the EOSC A Self-Experiment in Fake Science: The Tricks of Predatory Journals Open Science Movement: How “HackYourPhD” Fosters Open Science in France and Abroad Impact School 2018: Training for Transfer and Social Impact DGI Day Practicum: How Does Artificial Intelligence Change the World of Information Professionals? Open Access Days 2018 – Part II:  How Does Open Access Develop in Individual Disciplines and Projects? Open Access Days 2018 – Part I: How is Open Access Developing in the Context of Open Science? Kick-Start for the German GO FAIR Community: Second Workshop Reveals Potential for Synergies Research Data Management: Over-Reliance on the Lifecycle Metaphor – and Alternatives