Artificial Intelligence and Information Literacy: On the Art of Quartering Broccoli
How valid are concepts for teaching information literacy in the light of current developments in...

EconStor Survey 2024: High user satisfaction, but ‘room for improvement’ in understanding how it works
EconStor, the ZBW's open access repository for economics, enjoys a high level of satisfaction among its...

Open Science & Libraries 2025: 10 Tips for Conferences & Events
Which conference, unconference or other event could be worth attending in 2025? In the blog post you...

The Open Access Barcamp 2024: Community, Exchange and Reflection
How can communication with researchers about Open Access be optimised? Which new exchange formats work?...

AI in Academic Libraries, Part 1: Areas of Activity, Big Players and the Automation of Indexing
What are the most promising areas of activity for the use of artificial intelligence in academic...