Working Out Loud: How to Promote Digital Collaboration and Open Science
Working Out Loud promotes networking and collaboration. It is therefore predestined for use in the...

Opening up Science: How the Library will Become a Hub for Open Innovation and Science
Merging open science and open innovation more closely and providing fresh momentum will be the focus of...

Art of Hosting: Operating System for Open Science and Citizen Science?
The Art of Hosting comprises the attitude and appropriate methods for creating a culture of good...

Science Shops: New Drive for and by Citizen Science?
Science shops bridge the gap between science and society, and are therefore able to act as a central...

Open Science, Technology, Trends: Conferences, Exhibitions & Barcamps 2018
Which events could be worthwhile destinations in 2018 to stay informed about open science, technology...

Digital Trends 2018: What Will be Important this Year?
Which trend topics will likely keep us busy in 2018? We have selected some trends and technology topics,...

Student Survey: What is the Level of Information Literacy Like?
Strengthening information literacy in students is a multifaceted challenge. But what exactly is the...

EdTech KreativHack: Work on EdTech – and Learn a Lot
The use of technologies for educational purposes offers a lot of opportunities. Persons interested in...

Department vs. Academic Chair: Could Open Science Benefit?
Authors of the Junge Akademie (the first academy of young academics worldwide) discuss in their current...

Putting Open Science Into Practice: ZBW Research Data Projects
Research data is a crucial issue in open science. The ZBW is involved in its implementation in a range...