Horizon Report 2018: Adapting Higher Education to the Future of Work
The Horizon Report 2018 Higher Education Edition covers trends, technologies and challenges from...
Research Data Management: These Portals and Self-Learning Offers Impart Knowledge
If you are a researcher or librarian and would like to learn more about research data management, you...
How do Universities Support Research Data Management?
How do universities support researchers in handling research data? We provide an insight into what...
Waterkant Festival 2018: A Model for Learning and Working 4.0
The Waterkant #startupSH Festival 2018 inspired with current technologies and trends, a start-up...
Artificial Intelligence: New Opportunities for Citizen Science, Research and Libraries
Artificial intelligence offers great potential for open science and libraries. A first-time network...
Fostering Open Science in European Countries: The Crucial Role of Libraries
Implementing open science requires systemic change and can be supported by national open science...
Working Out Loud: How to Promote Digital Collaboration and Open Science
Working Out Loud promotes networking and collaboration. It is therefore predestined for use in the...
Opening up Science: How the Library will Become a Hub for Open Innovation and Science
Merging open science and open innovation more closely and providing fresh momentum will be the focus of...
Art of Hosting: Operating System for Open Science and Citizen Science?
The Art of Hosting comprises the attitude and appropriate methods for creating a culture of good...
Science Shops: New Drive for and by Citizen Science?
Science shops bridge the gap between science and society, and are therefore able to act as a central...
Open Science, Technology, Trends: Conferences, Exhibitions & Barcamps 2018
Which events could be worthwhile destinations in 2018 to stay informed about open science, technology...