Exhibition Open UP! How Digitisation is Transforming Science
The range of tasks carried out by academic libraries has changed enormously. But how can you offer the...

Waterkant Festival 2019: A Blueprint for a Lived Culture of Innovation
What does the library of the future look like? Can AI read? Are businesses really ready to support the...

Study “The University Landscape 2030”: Opening Up Through New Study Models
"Tamagotchi", "Jenga", "Lego" and "Transformer" are the names of the four new study models that were...

Horizon Report 2019: How new Technologies Lead to a Redesign of Learning and Teaching
Which trends, challenges and technologies are important in higher education? The Educause Horizon Report...

Innovation Workshop: How Libraries can Actively Shape Digitalization
The visibility of libraries in the age of networked working, new genuinely digital services and the...

Discussion Paper “Future Skills”: Why New Skills Require New Strategies
In response to the growing need for new key skills in the workplace, universities must be ready to offer...

Stifterverband Study: What do we Gain Through Open Science and Open Innovation?
A new study by The Stifterverband explores the topics of Open Innovation and Open Science in Germany. It...

Open Science: Interesting Conferences & Events for 2019
Which events could be worth a visit in 2019 in the context of open science? We offer a selection of...

Digital Trends 2019: Which Issues are Going to be Important this Year?
In the blog post, we present a selection of trends and technological topics whose significance for...

New Open Science Reports: How to put EOSC and FAIR Into Practice
How could the European Open Science Cloud and FAIR be prompted into reality? What challenges have to be...